CACLP - The largest IVD Expo & Conference

BC Platforms Teams With Negen for Consumer Genome Analysis

Industry news | 10 August, 2018 | CACLP

Finnishconsumer genetic testing firm Negen has turned to BC Platforms for analysis ofraw genomic data for clinical reporting purposes, the companies announced recently.


Underterms of the new partnership, BC Platforms will run data collected by Negenthrough its data management system to inform Negen's risk-scoring algorithms.Further terms were not disclosed.


Negen offers specific tests for diabetes and cardiovasculardisease risk based on genomic and lifestyle factors. These tests, as well as ageneral screening for rare hereditary conditions, are intended to informclinicians in recommending treatments and lifestyle changes, the companysaid.


"This partnership will greatlyincrease the awareness and utility of our genetic risk-scoring tools and ourautomatized genetic data interpretation," Negen CEO Kimmo Aro said ina statement.

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